
Worn Out Weekend

This weekend was very exhausting.


I had been planning all week to see Don. Don and I only get Friday -Saturday to spend with each other. I anticipate our weekend very much. We were planning on seeing The Ugly Truth (It was my turn to pick) but I had a problem, It’s called fashionably late for everything! So we decided to go to the mall instead which was better anyways. Don really needed to find a dress shirt for his interview...but that's a whole new story, I’d be opening up a can of worms and writing forever. Anyhoodle. I ended up finding this very long black summer dress for dinner with don's mom, Judy. I have a really bad habit of buying a new outfit every time I go out somewhere with my friends or don's family members, which luckily for me isn't too often. Don of course did not find a thing! I think he has a problem...
any time we go shopping it's as follows: Nothing too skinny, tight or form fitting (which is kind of gay anyways so I’m all for that one), color scheme either: black, white or brown, no v necks, polo’s, pullovers or too short of sleeves, has to be a tight collar around the neck, no crazy designs, plain w/ a brand name only by (O’Neil, fox, hmmmm...I think that's it). So you can imagine my frustration when I bring him into the mall. Anything I pick is an automatic no because I try very hard to go outside his box...it never works...I think I even bought him a shirt (he wore it once to be nice, lol). He maybe finds one shirt every month to wear. I now make it routine to automatically go to the "girl" side of the store we are in so I’m not constantly asked if a shirt he picks up looks good..All the shirts he has look exactly alike in either white brown or black. Ahahaha...would that bug you? I mean I thought girls were bad...ahahaha...
But we ended up leaving and going out to eat at Fridays! It was the happening place to be Friday night in riverside I guess. It’s new so it looks amazing inside. I had a real starring problem with this table across from us...it was a party of about 15-20. They were all in there 25-30 range...they were loud and they were all about to start tipping the scale so my mind started wandering...I kept thinking about how all the couples were about the same size. I kept thinking, okay does the guy automatically go up to the girl their own size? Or does that even play a role in a guy’s decision to go up to a girl? It just started me on this guy/girl crazy dating scenario in my head....I think they thought I was a little nuts, I was staring for ever. I had a great time with don there once I got out of that brainstorming stage.
Later that night I was waiting at Don's house for Anna's call (a gal I work with) she was lagging and taking forever to get ready. Once I got there I didn't feel like leaving but we promised we'd stop by our co-worker, Eric’s house. When we arrived there was only four people I knew-Eric, Anna, "The Richard" (will explain) and well myself....ahahaha... [The Richard is actually just my co worker, Angela's BF...He is just, "Richard" but for some reason when she refers to him it's, "the Richard"...idk but it works]. so I realize this is going to be a drag of a party because everyone was high like 3 hours ago so we had a whole bunch of people not willing to do anything but act like a rock. I really dislike people that waste their time and life like that...I had no clue but I couldn't leave because Anna wanted to stay...It sucked.


Saturday was a little bit more relaxing but then I was under later that day. I lazed about all day...did laundry, cleaned, downloaded music and even came on here....but I had writers block [HA]. But I had been preparing to have dinner with Don's mom Judy and him all day. I don't know what it is but she intimidates me so much. Don't get me wrong she loves me to death but I always have to be on my toes with her. Don and I went to sports chalet and he actually got a shirt (black of course) and I got some new flippy floppies. Dinner was @ six and of coarse Judy calls at 5:50 and asks where we are...ahaha...we were right in the next parking lot...Macaroni Grille was where we chose...Which was fantastic because they have the best lobster ravioli! When we sat down Judy turned out to be a breath of fresh air, I hadn't seen her in months. It's like having a second mom you can actually talk to. I love her. I found out at Nordstrom’s you can get a personal shopper and they just ask you for your measurements, size and styles over the phone. They go and pick everything of the racks in your size for you and are ready for you when you come in for your appointment. They give you style advise and let you know what looks great on you, all free of charge!! We also had a big long conversation about Don's interview/career too. But again, a can of worms...After dinner, don and I had a date for Wall-E at his house =). We both love movies and especially Pear-(He does more than I do, heehee). It's a great movie BTW! I stayed until 3am! I didn't want to leave him because he was going to be gone Sunday-Wednesday...but it just made me super tired for my big day on Sunday!


I woke up at 10am. I got ready and made lunch. Don stopped by to bring my rainbows over that I left in his truck (my favorite flops); he knew I couldn't live without them. He secretly wanted to say goodbye before he left...Oh, I love him. Then he headed out...so I decided to head up to Amanda's.

-Amanda's New House!!!

So, my poor friend has been in a grueling 100 days of escrow with the house that they have been wanting...all because some girl behind the desk of a bank didn't know how to do her job! Well after almost losing it all together, I am proud to say Amanda owns a House! It definitely needs a lot of cosmetic work but it had potential as is ideal! Its 3 bedroom, 2 baths and it's got a huge backyard w/ a detachable 4 car garage! (84,900!!!!)

So, my bug project is to help her demolish the inside of the house! Carpets up, tiles up, kitchen cabinets, floor boards, walls switch plates, etc... So I spent 1-6:30 in hard labor- but it was great, it was just her friend Tricia, me and Manda hacking away =). Then Manda and I went swimming at her mom's and we tried buffalo...hahaha...Baby Camden (her son) knows how to say "Elmo" now and he tries singing the song "La, Lalala, LA, lalala Elmo's world" Now instead of Kah-tee for my name any time Manda asks where's Kah-tee he does the clicking sound with his tongue over and over because I do that to him every time I see him so he picked it up=) But it's a little bummer because now instead of Kat-tee it’s click click..Ahahaha. After swimming we went back to her house and I cooked turkey, gravy and mash potatoes for the family (Cody, Manda and Evan -their oldest, 5).

It was a long weekend...

1 comment:

  1. I love Wall-E! It is such a sweet movie! And that is so exciting that Amanda bought a house! And that she gets to remodel it!!


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