
New Road Ahead

So there is a big change approaching that has been heavy on my heart and I'm so glad I waited to write about this until I knew one outcome...

A month back, Don had applied for a full time firefighter position in two locations: Bullhead, AZ & Porterville, CA. Both are 4 hours away from where I live currently (the good ole I.E.) These were more than remarkable job offers that would start him out at $50,000 per year. The only dilemma was, he'd have to move...and of coarse that meant away from me... = (

So, I decided to get creative and see what schools were near by these locations...after all what better compromise then to move with him and still go to school!

Well, AZ was automatically out because the nearest school to Bullhead was 2 hours away. Even if there were a University near by, a lot of my credits wouldn't transfer and my credential program would be completely different...So I knew that if he got the job in AZ I would be left behind... I was under so much stress...you have no idea! I was at a constant state of despair just thinking of how hard I had worked the last 4 years making the relationship work and he was just going to have to walk away from it....

Plus he got called in 08-03-09 (Monday) to take his EMS test and he passed. I was soo proud of him but in the back of my mind I was holding back the tears from running down my face. They told him that his skills test would be today (Which I knew he would pass with flying colors) and the interview Wednesday! I was all happening to fast! It turns out don didn't have enough time to request off so he took Monday as a personal day...but didn't expect to be out there 2 more days...He called off today but his work was infuriated with him and told him they wanted to talk to him Wednesday. So he had to withdrawal from the interview after he passed the skills test because he didn't want to lose his current job when there was no guarantee of the firefighting job...

I had such assorted emotions today when I heard the news...I was fuming at his work for one, he is the hardest working man I know...never calls off, is never late and has been promoted twice-all in a year! Urgh! Next, I was happy because My Don would not be leaving me and going sooo far away! Then I was distressing, I felt atrocious, I knew that he wanted the job more than anything, I felt he was cheated and I secretly wanted him not to get it...I feel like a hideous person for even thinking it....So hopefully he has a job tomorrow...stupid ambulance company!

Now, Porterville, CA on the other is completely doable! I found Cal-State Bakersfield only a 45 min drive from there! So I called the school and talked to an advisor- A phone interview-She basically asked how many credits I had taken and my GPA and all that good stuff-Well she said that I seemed like a great candidate to transfer and they have the same credential program as San Berdooo...All I needed was to send her my transcripts.

I sent her my transcripts and she said that they weren't currently excepting applications but to submit one anyways. She said that the transfer would be almost a 100% guaranteed because of my good track record, enough credits, GPA and SAT scores were great. So today she gave me my advisor for Liberal studies phone number to discuss future classes for the winter/spring quarter!

His test date is 08-10-09 (Monday). If he passes, he interviews and he may get a call for the job!!! The icing on the cake would be: We move up North together and get a home together, he's a firefighter and I'll be a full time student and homemaker! Do you know what also that means???!!! We can afford to get married!!! On top of that, I'll have time to plan everything! Oh my gosh, I really hope this happens! Yikes!


  1. Wow Kathy! How exciting! I hope he gets this job, that would be great for you guys :)

  2. Kinda pulled into your blog. Up late in my office doing work and trying to find a theme for my phone; and being a Blackberry...well, you were in the words 'berry'.
    You seem to be a very focused young lady in the relationship circle. I hope that all goes well for you and your boyfriend. I know it will.


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